
Location Information Permission

Upon first opening the MoonTouch app, please select "Always Allow" for us to collect your location information. This permission is essential for continuously gathering your location data to ensure accurate mileage tracking.

Network Information Permission

After agreeing to the location permissions, you'll need to authorize access to WLAN and data usage.

Change Location Information Permission to Always Allow

The first time you go for a run, you'll need to change the location information permission to 'Always Allow.' This setting ensures that you can correctly acquire your mileage data, even when the app is running in the background.

Health Data Permission

After agreeing to this permission, you will need to immediately end your run (this run won't consume your fairy's durability or energy) and then start a new run. At this point, you'll be prompted to enable health permission. Click the 'OK' button to confirm. Agreeing to this permission allows the app to continuously collect your step count information in the background.

At this point, you have agreed to all the MoonTouch permissions, and you can now engage in normal online or background running activities.

Last updated